Animation produced for the launch of the Cycles print. Script, art direction, and animation: Buru

While walking through Urca, a neighborhood in the southern zone of Rio, I found a cashew leaf on the
ground that was exactly half yellow and half red. I thought it was so beautiful that I immediately imagined
it would make a great print.
At that moment, I didn’t think about its meaning or how the print would turn out; I just found it beautiful
and decided to keep the leaf to create something from it.
Many months later, I came across the leaf among my things. As I looked at it, I realized it was going
through the process of photosynthesis, completing its cycle. At that point in my life, I was struggling with
accepting the end of a cycle I didn’t want to let go of.
That leaf made me reflect on accepting the end and recognizing that it is necessary to make room for
new cycles. Thus, the meaning for the print emerged: The Beauty of Ends.

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